Solutions for Coral Reefs: Restoration

This infographic describes what coral restoration is, different aspects of restorations, and steps that individuals can take to support successful restoration.

Solutions for Coral Reefs: Restoration

Infographic Transcript: Solutions for Coral Reefs: Restoration

Restoration is the science and practice of rebuilding self-sustaining coral reefs to provide fish habitat, recreation, and protection for coastlines. Addressing the threats of climate change impacts, land-based sources of pollution, and overfishing increases the success of coral restoration.

Preventing Avoidable Losses

Reducing impacts to corals from vessel groundings and anchors reduces the need for restoration and makes restoration more self-sustaining.

Maintaining Genetic Diversity

Sexual reproduction increases the chance that some corals have traits that can withstand climate change impacts, land-based sources of pollution, and other threats.

Keeping Habitat Suitable for Recruitment

Maintaining coral reef habitat by protecting herbivores and controlling invasive species increases the chance of coral larvae settling and becoming part of the reef.

Building Coral Resilience

Growing coral fragments from corals with certain qualities (genes, symbiotic algae) in nurseries can help increase reef resilience, or the ability to resist and recover from stressors like bleaching.


Coral fragments grown in nurseries are planted onto reefs so they can further grow and replenish themselves.

How Can You Help?
  • Choose sustainable seafood
  • Recycle fishing lines and nets
  • Reduce, reuse, recycle
  • Use less fertilizers and pesticides
  • Do not dump household chemicals into storm drains
  • Use energy efficient appliances and light bulbs
  • Drive less